Are you sensitive to your environment, affected by people or things around you, more so now than ever before?
Then Feng Shui your home, environment, or workplace will help you to create a more stable, balanced surrounding as you go about your daily life.
Learn the basics of Feng Shui in an easy format that you can apply immediately to your home or work. Once you learn this technique, it can be applied anywhere from an entire house, room to room or even just your office desk! It's that simple & easy to learn.
You will learn how to use the Ba Gua, remedies to rectify qui flow, the 4 Home Spirits, outcome of various shapes/location of your house & various rooms. All easy to understand! Plus take home notes & tools.
I have been utilising, teaching & applying Feng Shui to my home for over 20 years! My healing centre's calm, healing & continual flow of vibrate energies are palpable as each person who come notices. Comments are how peaceful, relaxing they feel immediately upon arriving! Set your home up to be that every day & you will lessen the constrictions of energy flow due to stresses.
This workshop is in-house, or can be done via zoom one to one, please enquire.
For bookings/enquiry contact: Daphne Fung 0411 549 337 or Contact Page from this website
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